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the 5 pin game

It is played with three balls. The playing ball is for all players the same (in our case the white). The pins (5 pieces) will be placed in the middle of the table like a crux (parallel to the cushions) with the distance of one ball. At the beginning the white ball will be placed in the lower quarter of the table in any position. The red ball will be placed in the middle of the upper short cushion with a distance of one ball from the cushion. The yellow ball will be positioned in the upper third at the position, which has the red ball in carum. It will be made only one shot by each player, whatever points are made or not.
There are good points and bad points.
Good points are, when at least one pin falls by the red or the yellow ball and the red ball was hit first by the white ball.
Bad points are if
The valuation of points:
If the place of one pin is occupied by any ball, the pin stays out of game, until the place is free. It will be played to 21 points.
Bad points are not subtracted from the own points, they are added to the points of the opponent !
e.g.:white hits red, red hits cushion, red hits yellow, yellow overthrows one pin, after this the white ball overthrows one pin.
That are
PS: If the red ball or the yellow ball is played out of table, he will be placed at the starting position. Is this position occupied, .....
If the white ball is played out of the table, he will be placed in the starting quarter.


laws of the game