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Billard-Sportklub-Union S.U.
The name austria
The term "austria" has made changes in the history. But the name ever lingered within the inneraustrian territory at the danube and the eastern alps. Originally he named the root of the Habsburger monarchy, the two archduchys over and under the Enns, the "danubeaustria" of the Babenberger. Since the familycontract of 1364, the so called Rudolfinian rules of the house, the name austria devolved to the hole house of Habsburger: "the house austria". This devolution shows also the rootage of the sovereigns in the small country austria from whitch it began to grow up to his future size. In the later middle ages the term austria included the eastern alps down to the adria and also enclosed southwestern german territories of the Habsburger(the so named foreaustria and the foreland): the power of their austrian line gradually became the same as austria: the "house austria", latin the "Domus Austriae", spanish the "Casa d´Austria". So the name austria became the name of the hole austrian emperor state in his old austrian-bohemian-hungarian heir. After eliminating the hungarian countries and conversion of the emperor state austria to the "austrian-hungarian monarchy" (1867) the western half of the empire was named austria in the inofficial linguistic usage: in viennas "Reichsrat" represented monarchies and countries (Zisleithanien) in difference to the countries of the hungarian crown (Transleithanien). Under constitutional law he was not used since 1867. In 1915 the name austria was officially fixed with the new austrian escutcheon.
Since 1918/1919 austria is the name of the republic, between 1938-1945 officially named "Ostmark" or "Donau- und Alpenreichsgaue" and eastern 1945 because of the liberation of the republic austria alive again.