The club has the name Billard - Sportklub Union S.U. and has his place in vienna. The club has the major task in sports advancement of his members, in education and fortification in persistence, slight of hand, physical effectiveness and ability of combination.
He also promotes comradeship of his mebers and simultaneously indoctrinates sporty fitness to fight. For these purposes he stages games for training and masterships to determine the class of playing and courses of instruction about referees decisions.
The club tends primarily the game on the matchbillard (large table).Article II: Membership
Member can become any person whitch is interested in amateursports and complies sporty discipline. The provisions of this statute are to be observed and obligatory for each member.a) Active members have all rights af this statuet. They may exercise functions in the club if they exercise this statute.
b) Supporting members may exercise functions and have the same rights and responsibilities as active members.
c) Honorary members have the same rights as active members but are freed of paying membership-fee..
d) Talented persons under 20 years of age, which may have a promising future in tournaments, are fosterlings. They have all the rights of active members but cannot exercise functions in the club and may be freed of paying membership-fee.
But not only fosterlings may be freed of paying membership-fee, the executive committee is in principle authorized to allow a discount on membership-fee and other fees like playing-fee.
The acceptance of a member is a decision of the executive committee. The accepance of a member results from principles of the executive committee which safeguard that only irreproachable and worthily people can become members.
The discharge of a member will be made by written notice of departure to the executive committee. The liability to contribution of a member will stay until the accordingly discharge. The executive committee may discharge members if
1.) there is the factor of demoralization of the club
2.) the reputation of the club will be damaged or breach of comradeship will be done
3.) the membership-fee was not payed after warning.
To point 1.) and 2.) the member has to get a chance for justification.
The active and supporting mebers have to pay the membership-fee in time. All members have to attend to the interests of the club.
Article III: Earnings of the club
The earnings of the club are:
a) membership-fee
b) acceding fee
c) fee for tournaments
d) voluntary donations
e) other events of the club
The amount of earnings from a) b) c) will be resolved by the general meeting of the members after presentation of bill of cost of the expired financial year.
Article IV: Management
The official representation and management of the club will be operated by the executive committee. It constists of
president or his deputy
1. and 2. sports manager
2 or more, but not more then 5 assessors, and
2 auditors.
Optional there could be nominated a 2. and 3. deputy of the president.
The periode of the executive committee is one year. Dropped out are re-eligible.
The president represents the club, he has to manage the club and is chairman at meetings and may be replaced by his deputy.
All binding documents for the club have to be signed by the president or his deputy and the secretary. The secretary or his deputy has to make protocols of meetings of the executive committee and the general meeting, which has to contain beginning, order of the day, present members, solutions and the endtime of the meeting. He has to prevent verification.
Important papers and yearly statements of accounts are to be added to the protocol.
The cashier has to keep the account and to report about the account at each meeting. He has to keep a cash book, which contains all receipts and expenditures of the club with vouchers. Every month he has to make a balancer. He, the secretary or the sports manager keeps the list of members, which contains the number of members in groups (Art a,b,c,d) and their payments. This list is the base for the quarterly settlement with the association.
The commissaries of sports are the first and second sports manager. They also have to make the position table of the players, the tournaments of the club, the entries for tournaments of the association, reporting to the executive management and so on.
The provisions of the association for tournaments and referees are appointing for members of the club at tournaments.
2 members are to be chosen as auditors, which have the right and duty to check the finances of the club. They may attend at meetings of the executive committee. They have to report at the general meeting about the result of their administrative audit, but they can do this for only one year. They are not re-eligible.
The meetings of the executive committee has the quarum if there are at least 5 members, namely the president or his deputy, one secretary, one cashier and one sports manager.
Article V: General meeting
After expiration of the financial year, that is from 1. july to 30. june of the next year, a general meeting of all members has to be called by the executive committee. It has to be preferably in august and has to resolve the following points of the agenda:
1.) Report about the expired year (statement af accounts)
2.) Report about finances
3.) Report about check of the finances
4.) Election
5.) Resolution about applications (particularly applications about modification of articles or liquidation of the club) and miscellaneous.
Upon application of the auditors for discharge of the executive committee the functionaries are eligible.
For solution it is necessary, that at least the half of the members which are entitled to vote are present.
If this is not the case, the meeting is competend half an hour later, independent of the number of present members. For modification of articles it is necessary 2/3 of the present members.
An extraordinary general meeting may be called at any time by the executive committee for important and urgent cases. It also has to be proceeded by request of 1/3 of the members by specifying the matter.
Resolutions of members have to be presented to the executive committee 14 days before the general meeting.
A modification of this statute has to be notified to the association.
Article VI: Arbitration:
In case of conflict an arbitration of three persons adjucates, each of the disputants of the members sends one arbitrator, the chairman of the arbitral tribunal is sent by the executive committee. If the executive committee or one of his members is a disputant, the chairman of the arbitral tribunalwill be chosen by the arbitrators; in the case of non aptitude adjudicates the lot.
This arbitration adjudicates with majority of votes, at equality of votes the chairman of the arbitral will adjucate! The arbitration award has to be logged and signed by the abitrators. Differences in sports or conflicts with the assossiation and in cases of last appeal of the court of clubs are aspired, they may be assigned to the arbitration of the "Österr. Amateur-Verband".
Article VII: Liquidation:
The liquidation of the club will be decided by a general meeting with 2/3-majority of the present members entitled to vote. In the case of voluntary liquidation the existing capital will first been used to settle liabilities of the club. If there is a rest after this, it is to transfer to a trustee, which is named by the meeting. He has to look that the capital is used non-profit-making for the purpose of the club.
If it was impossible to make such a decision, the capital will be transferred to the "Österreichischen Amateur Billard Verband".
Article VIII: Decisions of the executive committee and the general meeting
The decisions are made with majority of votes (except modification of articles and liquidation. The executive committee has the quarum, if the half of the members are present.
Article IX: Data protection
The conditions of data rotection are to be kept in strict. Each member gives the explicit consent with his application for membership, that his personally data, particularly first name, last name, birthday, occupation, function in the club, his for the club relevant education, his successes and merits in sports are processed with electronic data processing and may be processed and passed within the BSK-Union and the federal association.