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Johann Scherz
- Heinrich Weingartner -
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- what to find in lexica about billards (german version) -
billard and psycholoanalyses
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Billard-Sportklub-Union S.U.
the table, the cushions, distances, materials
The frame has to have indelible marks, which must be in a contrast of color. They are positioned of 1/8 of the length of the frame. The frame must not have other marks on the upper side, not even the name of the manufactorer.
Billards for official tournaments have to have an electrical heating. She has to warm the table top, measured on the top over the kerchief, to 25-28 °C.
The balls have a weight of 205 to 220g. The difference of the weight between the heaviest and the lightest ball of one set must not be greater then 2g.
The seat of the players has to be positioned, that the wayting player can watch the game of his opponent, an unhindered game is possible and the possibility for checking of the noted points is given (interversibility with the score board or near the writer).
The partitioning for the matchbillard (free game, one cushion and three cushion)
The edge is only valid for the free game
The partitioning for the matchbillard (small cadre, 47/1 and 47/2)
The partitioning for the matchbillard (large cadre 71/2)
The partitioning for the samll billard (free game, one cushion and threee cushion)
The edge is only valid for the free game
The partitioning for the samll billard (Cadre 35/2)
The partitioning for the samll billard (Cadre 52/2)
The pool- and the snooker table