<center> <A HREF="../current.htm">current events</A> - <A HREF="laws.htm">laws of the game</A> - <A HREF="table.htm">the table</A> - <A HREF="sniff.htm">snuffle</A> - <A HREF="lists.htm">position tables</A> - <A HREF="league.htm">League</A> - <A HREF="history.htm">history of the club</A> - <A HREF="scherz_e.htm">Johann Scherz</A> - <A HREF="weingartner_e.htm">Heinrich Weingartner</A> - <A HREF="archive.htm">archive pictures</A> - <A HREF="genesis.htm">genesis of billard</A> - <A HREF="lexica.htm">what to find in lexica about billards (german version)</A> - <A HREF="psycho_e.htm">billard and psycholoanalyses</A> - <A HREF="../gicks_e.htm">Gicks clubnews</A> - <A HREF="managers.htm">board of managers</A> - <A HREF="articles.htm">articles of the club</A> - <A HREF="membership.htm">membership</A> - <A HREF="austria.htm">the name austria</A> - <A HREF="e_1892.htm">what was 1892</A> - <A HREF="president.htm">presidents, chancellors, mayors</A> - <A HREF="source.htm">sources of supply</A> - <A HREF="../links_e.htm">other links</A> - <A HREF="../title.htm">Billard-Sportklub-Union S.U.</A><BR> </center>

Free game

The free game is the base of billard. Excluding the four edgefields (in major leagues) it may be collided without any qualification. If the playing ball is press with one of the other balls (in stillstand) all balls are placed in initial state. In minor leagues there is no force for positioning, the player has the option to play the ball away. Are the two balls to hit in one edgefield, one collision may be done, after this one of the two balls has to leave the field. The distance for masterships is 400 points, sometimes a player needs only one admission. To win international tournaments a general average of 100 - 200 points is necessary. The nuts and bolts is the so named ´american series´. Thereby the three balls are placed at the cushion and played around the table. Each edge is a hurdle for the player, which has taken by clever turning around the series. The player, which can position the balls to amarican series, mostly has won the half game. Then it is not only the question of ability, it is also the question of nerves. A little fault in strike and the balls are press. In this case the balls have to be positioned in initial state and the opponent may hope to come to play.
If any ball leaves the table, all three balls are positioned in initial state.
The 1. tournament of world championship was a ´free game´. 1873 the 6 best players of the world came to the Irving Hall in New York City. The Frenchman Garnier won with 9.32 average - today a normal performance of a better billardplayer. Admittedly the material of today is not to compare with the billards, balls and cues in precision. Few years later the player have been so perfect, so that the distances have been increased to many thousend points. The following monotonies dispersed the viewers and automatically resulted in developement of Cadregames. No longer ago then 1928 the ´free game´ resumed in international calendar of sport. The distance was fixed at 400 points, which may be done in 30 - 60 min. by a champion. A special attraction for audience is the fact, that any handicap may be egaliced by a player with good nerves.


laws of the game