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Cadre 47/2 - Cadre 47/1

In these varieties the rink will be tiled into 9 fields. 6 are quadratic, 3 are rectangular. In the major leagues there are little square fields added at the end of the lines, the so named verge. The number before the slash means the distance of the lines from the cushions, the number after the slash the number of allowed collision in one field. Cadre 47/2 also is named twoballcadre, cadre 47/1 as oneballcadre. Cadre 47/1 is 2 - 3 more difficult than Cadre 47/2 and will only played by very good players. At the little tournamentbillard the name of this variety is cadre 35/2 because the lines have a distance of 35 cm to the cushions.
The 1. Cadre-tournament was played 1883 in the Central Musikhall of Chicago and was won by the american Jacob Schaefer sen. In the following 50 years all important tournaments were played as twoballcadre. The propagation of three-cushion-game since 1930 displaced the cadre-game nearly complete in asia, north- and southamerica. Now europe is the important centre of cadreplayer and only sometimes player of other continents have success at the yearly world-championships.
The player has to make only one point if the balls to be hit are in the same field (frame or verge) at cadre 47/2. At cadre 47/1 one of the balls to be hit has to leave the field in this case. The referee says "entree detaunt" (entrance exit) in this case. If the balls to be hit come to rest in one field (frame or verge) at cadre 47/2, the referee says "entree" (entrance). If the balls stay in the field, the referee says "detaunt" (exit). If the ball is near to the line but not in the same field, the referee says "schwall" (free).
If the ball to play touches one of the other balls in stillstand (they are PRESS), so the player has the option to bring all balls to initial state or to play away from the ball.
The nuts and bolts at cadre are the so named "lineseries" and the "one-third game". This means to place the balls on the left and right side of a line and move the balls along the line in one direction as long as possible. The one-third game means to place the balls in a third of the table at the short cushion, so that the third is not left after the following collision and so a series can be built.
If a ball leaves the table, all balls are positioned in initial state.


laws of the game