<center> <A HREF="../current.htm">current events</A> - <A HREF="laws.htm">laws of the game</A> - <A HREF="table.htm">the table</A> - <A HREF="sniff.htm">snuffle</A> - <A HREF="lists.htm">position tables</A> - <A HREF="league.htm">League</A> - <A HREF="history.htm">history of the club</A> - <A HREF="scherz_e.htm">Johann Scherz</A> - <A HREF="weingartner_e.htm">Heinrich Weingartner</A> - <A HREF="archive.htm">archive pictures</A> - <A HREF="genesis.htm">genesis of billard</A> - <A HREF="lexica.htm">what to find in lexica about billards (german version)</A> - <A HREF="psycho_e.htm">billard and psycholoanalyses</A> - <A HREF="../gicks_e.htm">Gicks clubnews</A> - <A HREF="managers.htm">board of managers</A> - <A HREF="articles.htm">articles of the club</A> - <A HREF="membership.htm">membership</A> - <A HREF="austria.htm">the name austria</A> - <A HREF="e_1892.htm">what was 1892</A> - <A HREF="president.htm">presidents, chancellors, mayors</A> - <A HREF="source.htm">sources of supply</A> - <A HREF="../links_e.htm">other links</A> - <A HREF="../title.htm">Billard-Sportklub-Union S.U.</A><BR> </center>


It is played with 64 cards in KO-System. It will be thrusted out, who begins. The minimum distance are 4 points, the maximum 12 points. The distance of each player is fixed by the management, the guideline is the 20-fold GA of three-cushion.

In each of the following disciplines have to be made the same number of points:
one-cushion (exactly one cushion)
with left hand
from red
italian (Ball 2 hits Ball 3)

Before the ball is played it has to be said, how the ball is played.

For each point a card is hang up on the board, if the distance of a discipline is reached, one card is rotated to show, that no more points in this discipline have to be made. Who made the last point first has won the game (there is no shot after).


laws of the game